Curriculum in Action
All children enrolled in classes are welcome to participate in our Extended Day Program. Extended care is available from 2:15 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Early morning care is available from 7:15 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. when children are welcomed into their morning classroom. Children that stay after class five days a week may opt for an Extended Day Plan. Children on Plans are eligible to use early morning care and have lunch at no additional charge. It is possible to enroll in Extended Day on select days only or to stay occasionally in our Play and Learn program.
All Extended Day children will be served a balanced lunch prepared fresh in our kitchen by our nutritionists. Our lunch offers a large portion of a child's daily required nutrients and meals are planned with foods that children enjoy. Extended Day teachers emphasize the importance of good table manners with the children and encourage them to try new foods. Snacks such as crackers, cheese, fruits and vegetables are served in the afternoon.
After lunch, light classical music is played as the younger children nap on school-provided mats and blankets. Older children that have given up naps may participate in a short rest time or play period. Afternoon activities include theme studies, organized games, drama, and outdoor time. There is also an opportunity to enroll in Enrichment activities such as Art, Soccer Skills, STEM, Yoga, Hip-Hop/Cheer, or Tutoring for an additional fee.